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Gentle Lisp Introduction

This guide is for developers interested in learning the basics of Convex Lisp. We assume a general familiarity with programming concepts, but no prior experience in Lisp. We will take you through the basics of the language. Veteran Lisp hackers may wish to skip this section, though there are some unique features in Convex Lisp worth noting.

Newbies could load the Convex desktop and enter sample code via the Client Terminal. image

Like this:


You can cut and paste into the lower part of the screen.


All Lisp code is constructed from expressions. Expressions are evaluated to get a result (or maybe an error, if something went wrong...).

The classic Lisp expression is a list enclosed in parentheses (...) where the first element of the list is the function to be called and the following elements are the arguments. So to add two numbers with the + function you would do something like:

(+ 2 3)
=> 5

It's important to not that each element in the expression is itself an expression. It's expressions all the way down. So you can nest expressions arbitrarily to create more complex structures:

(- (* 10 10) (* 5 5))
=> 75

There are many different types of expressions (many of which are introduced in this guide). But the syntax is of Lisp is ultimately just a tree of nested expressions. It is this simplicity and consistency which gives Lisp its power.


The simplest type of expression is a constant literal data value, which evaluates directly to itself! If you type the number 1 in the REPL and execute it, the result is simply the number 1 itself:

=> 1

Convex can handle double precision floating point numbers, which work the same way:

=> 1.5

Strings can be used as literals by enclosing them in double quotes:

"Hello World!"
=> "Hello World!"

Individual characters can be used as literals by preceding them with a backslash (\). You can also specify 16-bit unicode characters in the form \uXXXX where XXXX is a 4-character hex string.

=> a

=> e

Keywords are special literal values that are intended for use as keys in hash maps, sets, etc. They can also be conveniently used as field names in records, as special unique marker values, or as a member of a defined set of values like "enums" in other languages.

=> :foo

The special values true and false are the two usual Boolean values:

=> true

=> false

The special value nil is considered as the empty / missing value. It is also considered the same as false when used in conditional expressions which is often surprisingly useful: more on that later!

=> nil

Addresses (which refer to accounts) can be expressed as a literal starting with #. Address literals need not refer to an account that actually exists.

=> #12345

Finally, there is also support for byte data encoded in hexadecimal (we call these "Blob literals" because they can technically be arbitrary Binary Large Objects). Any hex string with an even number of digits is valid.

=> 0xff1234

;; NOTE: This is OK, and results in a zero-length Blob
=> 0x

Blob literals are somewhat unusual as a data type, but are very convenient for many reasons in Convex: specifying addresses of users or smart contracts, validating cryptographic hashes against exact values etc. Using blob literals directly is also much more efficient than encoding/decoding binary data in some other format such as hex strings.


Symbols are named references to value in the Convex programming environment. When used as expressions, they look up the value that they refer to in the current context. Usually, you would first use def to create a new value in the environment.

;; Define a symbol with 'def'
(def a 100)
=> 100

;; 'a' now refers to 100 in the current environment
=> 100

If you try to evaluate a symbol that has no corresponding definition in the environment, you will get an UNDECLARED error:

=> 'bad' is undeclared.

Some special symbols are provided by Convex to make it easier to access special values provided by the CVM. By convention, and to make them stand out when reading Convex Lisp code, these symbol names start and end with asterisks (*).

;; Get the available balance of the current Account via the special symbol '*balance*'
=> 97996220

;; Get the Address of the current Account via the special symbol '*address*'
=> #123


Functions in Convex Lisp are the fundamental objects that represent computation: algorithms that can be applied to transform input data into output data.

Function application

Functions can be called in an expression by placing the function name in a list before the arguments to a function. Usually, the function is specified by a Symbol:

;; Call the 'inc' function which adds 1 to an integer value.
(inc 10)
=> 11

This construct of applying a function by forming an expression with the function at the beginning of a list followed by its arguments is classic Lisp syntax. This may be surprising to people who are new to Lisp but are used to languages such as C, Java or JavaScript. If it helps, you can think of simply moving the opening parenthesis of the argument list before the function name:

// In a C-like language

;; In Lisp
(inc 10)

Why do we do this? It turns out that being able to express the whole function application expression as a list is extremely useful for more advanced techniques such as macros and code generation. A topic for later.

Variable arity

Lisp function often allow variable arity, i.e. you can pass a variable number of arguments. This is often more concise and readable than nesting multiple functions. A good example is the core str function for assembling strings:

(str "Hello" " :: " "Bob" " :: " 42)
=> "Hello :: Bob :: 42"

If you pass an illegal number of arguments, you will get an :ARITY error:

(count [1 2 3] [5 6])
Exception: :ARITY count requires arity 1 but called with: 2

The Core library

The Convex core runtime library provides a wide variety of useful functions that you can see in the Reference. Some simple examples to try out:

;; Addition: '+' is a variable arity function that cab take multiple arguments
(+ 1 2 3)
=> 10

;; There are several predicate functions that test values and return a boolean
;; e.g. 'str?' tests if the argument is a String
(str? "Hello")
=> true

Defining functions

You can easily define your own functions with defn:

;; Define a 'square' function which multiplies its argument by itself
(defn square [x] (* x x))

;; Apply the new function
(square 111)
=> 12321

You can also create anonymous functions and use them directly with the fn special form. The function below is equivalent to the square example above, but we can use it without needing to give it a symbolic name.

((fn [x] (* x x)) 111)
=> 12321

Data structures

Convex provides a powerful set of data structures as part of the CVM. In fact, one of the reasons Convex performs so well is due to the power of the data structures.

All Convex data structures are immutable - functions that make a change to a data structure actually create a new data structure. There are some clever tricks that mean that most of the data in large data structures don't need to be cloned, which makes this extremely fast.


A Vector is an ordered sequence of values. You can create a vector by enclosing any list of expressions with square brackets [...]

;; A vector containing the numbers 1, 2 and 3
[1 2 3]
=> [1 2 3]

;; The empty vector
=> []

;; A vector generated by evaluating two expressions
[(+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)]
=> [3 7]

;; Vectors can contain arbitrary element types, including other nested vectors
[1 :foo ["Hello" true]]
=> [1 :foo ["Hello" true]]

There are many functions in the core library that work with Vectors. Some simple examples:

;; Get an element from a vector at the specified index
(get [:foo :bar :baz] 1)
=> :bar

;; Test if a value is actually a vector
(vector? [1 2])
=> true

;; Concatenate two vectors
(concat [1 2] [3 4])
=> [1 2 3 4]

;; Add a new element to a vector (at the end)
(conj [1 2] 3)
=> [1 2 3]

In general, you should use Vectors whenever you need to store an ordered sequence of values. They are the fastest data structure for indexed lookup, and for appending elements to the end with conj. Vectors are the natural Convex equivalent to what is often called "arrays" or "tuples" in other languages.


A map associates a finite set of keys with a value for each. You can create a map as a literal value by enclosing any list of expressions with curly braces {...}

;; A map with two key/value pairs
{:foo 1 :bar 2}
=> {:foo 1 :bar 2}

;; An empty map
=> {}

Maps are designed for efficient lookup of values based on keys. If the specified key does not exist, either nil or an optional 'not found' value can be returned.

;; Get the value from a map for a specified key
(get {:foo 1 :bar 2} :foo)
=> 1

;; Get a key that doesn't exist
(get {:foo 1 :bar 2} :batman)
=> nil

;; Get using an optional 'not-found' result
(get {:foo 1 :bar 2} :batman :MISSING)

You can also use a map as a function! This can be convenient since it can save you from writing boilerplate code just to lookup up values in a map.

;; Define a map in the environment with the symbolic name 'my-map'
(def my-map {:foo 13 :bar 23 :baz 41})

;; Use 'my-map' to look up values as if it is a function
(my-map :baz)
=> 41

There are a variety of useful functions in the core library that are designed to work with maps. Some examples to try:

;; Update a map with a new key / value association using 'assoc'
(assoc {:foo 1 :bar 2} :baz 3)
=> {:foo 1, :baz 3, :bar 2}

;; Remove a key/value pair from a map with 'dissoc'
(dissoc {1 2 3 4} 1)
=> {3 4}

;; Count the number of key/value pairs in a map
(count {:foo 1 :bar 2})
=> 2

;; Get a vector of keys for the map
(keys {:foo 1 :bar 2})
=> [:foo :bar]

In general, you should use Maps whenever you need to look up values with a specific key, and the order doesn't matter. Maps support a very efficient lookup by key. assoc and dissoc are also very efficient.


Sets are an unordered collection of values. You can create a set as a literal value by enclosing any list of expressions with a hash symbol followed by curly braces #{...}

;; A set of 3 numbers
#{1 2 3}
=> #{1 2 3}

;; The empty set

The most common operation with a set is to test whether it contains a specific value.

;; 'get' returns the value from a set if it is present, or nil otherwise
(get #{1 2} 2)
=> 2

(get #{1 2} 3)
=> nil

;; An optional 'not-found' value can also be added
(get #{1 2} 3 :OOPS)
=> :OOPS

You can also use a set as a function, in which case it will return a boolean value indicating whether the set contains the specified argument.

(def my-set #{1 2 3})

(my-set 1)
=> true

(my-set 10)
=> false

Some examples of functions from the core library that work with sets:

;; Add a value to a set
;; NOTE: when displaying the elements of the resulting set, the order is not guaranteed
(conj #{1 2 3} 4)
=> #{1 2 3 4}

;; Use 'into' to add a sequence of extra elements to a set (will de-duplicate automatically)
(into #{1 2 3} [3 4 5])
=> #{1 2 3 4 5}

;; Remove an element from a set with 'disj'
(disj #{1 2 3} 2)
=> #{1 3}


Lists are ordered sequences of elements, just like Vectors. However, Lists are specially designed to be used for representing code.

If you enter a List directly in the Sandbox, it will get evaluated as an expression:

(inc 10)
=> 11

This is helpful for executing code, but it is not useful if you want to use Lists as a data structure! If you want to stop a List from being automatically evaluated, you can quote the List by adding the character ' before this list. This tells Convex to interpret the list as a literal data structure:

'(inc 10)
=> (inc 10)

Some other ways of constructing a List:

;; The empty list works directly as a literal
=> ()

;; Create a List using 'cons' which adds a value to the front of any sequential collection
(cons a '(b c))
=>(a b c)

;; Assumbkle a List by concatenating two list
(concat '(this is) '(a test))
=> (this is a test)

You should use vectors over lists for storing data in most cases. Lists are mainly be used for generating code - in macros, for example.


General-purpose Turing complete languages need some way of controlling conditional execution of code, and Convex Lisp is no exception.

Convex Lisp provides an if macro that evaluates a conditional expression and then executes one of two other expressions depending on whether the value of the first is true or false.

;; A simple if expression that always takes the 'true' branch
(if true 20 30)
=> 20

;; A simple if expression that always takes the 'false' branch
(if false 20 30)
=> 30

;; If no false branch is provided, the 'if' expression returns 'nil' in this case
(if false 20)
=> nil

Conditionals branch based on whether the conditional expression evaluated is truthy or falsey.

  • A value is considered falsey if it is either the boolean value false or nil
  • Any other value is considered truthy, including the boolean value true but also [], 1, :foo etc.

Why? It turns out that in many situations, you want to branch based on whether a result is nil or non-nil (e.g. when you look up a key in a database, nil may represent the absence of a value). We could force developers to do a (nil? x) check, but this adds overhead and boilerplate code. Instead, we make conditionals work with truthy and falsey values directly, so that such conversion code becomes unnecessary. This convention is well established in other Lisps such as Common Lisp or Clojure.

The cond special form works like if, but allows multiple tests, and can optionally provide a default result that will be returned if none of the previous tests succeed.

false 10
false 20
true 30
false 40)
=> 30

;; You can provide a default result at the end if all tests fail
false 10
false 20
"Nothing matched")
=> "Nothing Matched"

Implementation note: if is actually a macro that expands to a cond special form. So technically, cond is the lower level special form. In practice, it may be more convenient and intuitive to use if. Your choice, as always!

Execution flow

Sequential do blocks

The do special form groups a number of expressions into a single expression and returns the value of the last expression (or nil if there are zero expressions). Results from earlier expressions are discarded.

;; A do Block with three expressions inside, all are executed but only the last result is returned.
(do 1 2 3)
=> 3

;; A do block with zero expressions always returns 'nil'
=> nil

;; Side effects from earlier expressions are visible in later expressions
(do (def a 100) (+ a a))
=> 200

The do form serves a similar purpose to a code block in many other languages. It's useful for grouping several statements together for the purposes of side effects.

Typically, the earlier expressions are included because they perform some side effect. There isn't much point executing some pure code that simply returns a value if you simply ignore it. Because of this, the presence of do in some Convex Lisp code is a strong hint that side effects may be happening.

Local variables with let

The let special form allows you to define local variables in the scope of a code block. Apart from the local variable definition, a let block is similar to a do block.

;; 'let' expression that defines 'x' in its body.
(let [x 10] (* x x))
=> 100

;; You can define multiple local variables with one binding vector
(let [x 10
y (* x x)]
(+ x y))
=> 110

;; Local binding ceases to exist immediately after the '(let ...)' form
(do (let [x 10]) x)
=> 'x' is undeclared.

;; Local bindings take precedence over definitions in the surrounding environment
(def foo 13)

=> 13

(let [foo 17] foo)
=> 17

You can also use set! to modify the binding of a local variable. This value will last until the end of the current binding form (a surrounding let block, or returning from a function body).

(let [a 10]
(set! a 20)
=> 20

Def and the environment

We've already seen the def special form in a couple of examples, where it was used to set the value of a symbol:

(def message "Hello!")

=> "Hello"

The key difference with def compared to let is that it sets the value in the persistent environment, rather than just making a temporary local binding. The environment in Convex is special:

  • Every user Account gets its own independent environment. Two different users can define their own message and they will see their own version.
  • You can only modify your own environment, using a digitally signed transaction for the relevant account.
  • It is possible for anyone with access to the Convex network to observe any user environments on a read-only basis - so while nobody can modify your data, it isn't private!
  • The environment is persistent between transactions. Unless you choose to delete it, a definition in your environment will stay there forever. You can therefore use definitions in the environment to store data.
  • Definitions in the environment use some amount of memory on-chain. While small data allocations are typically not very expensive, care should be taken before storing large data structures in the environment.

If you want to define functions specifically, you can use defn:

;; Define a Euclidean distance function
(defn dist [x y]
(sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y)))

(dist 3.0 4.0)
=> 5.0

defn is actually a simple macro that converts (defn f [x] ...) into (def f (fn [x] ...). So you never really need defn: it's just a convenient shortcut for defining functions and can make your code more readable.

Loop and recur

When you want to iteratively re-evaluate an expression, you can use loop and recur.

;; This is a slow way to calculate an integer square root. Please use 'sqrt' in real code.
(loop [i 0] ;; initialise 'i' with zero
(if (< (* i i) 100) ;; test if 'i' is too low to be the square root
(recur (inc i)) ;; recur - incrementing 'i' for the next loop iteration
i)) ;; return 'i'
=> 10

Loop works like let in that it establishes local loop variable bindings that you can use in each iteration. recur will jump back to the start of the loop, updating the loop variables. It is normal to use a conditional expression to determine whether to recur or not. The value returned from the loop will be the value of the last expression executed (in this case i)

You can also use recur to repeat the evaluation of a function body:

;; A factorial function using an accumulator
(defn factorial [acc n]
(if (<= n 1)
(recur (* acc n) (dec n))))

(factorial 1 10)
=> 3628800

recur implements "tail call optimisation", i.e. it recurs without consuming any stack space. This is important if you want to perform many iterations: stack depth on the CVM is a limited resource and your transactions will fail if you consume too much. recur is your friend.


Sometimes, you want to use a symbol itself rather than the thing that the symbol refers to. In these cases, you can 'quote' the symbol.

(def a 10)

;; Use the value defined for the symbol a
=> 10

;; Use the Symbol itself
(quote a)
=> a

;; The ' notation also quotes a Symbol
=> a

You can also quote lists and other data structures - which returns these data structure without evaluating them.

;; Evaluate a list normally
(+ 1 2 3)
=> 6

;; Quote a list without evaluating it
'(+ 1 2 3)
=> (+ 1 2 3)

It is possible to 'unquote' within a quoted expression using the tilde (~), which has the effect of evaluating the unquoted part normally.

(quote [(+ 1 2 3) ~(+ 1 2 3)])
=> [(+ 1 2 3) 6]


We've looked at the basic constructs of Convex Lisp, but it's worth taking a moment to look at the way that code is evaluated in Lisp. This section delves into some implementation details, and what makes Convex Lisp special.

Code is Data

A key idea in Lisp is that 'Code is Data'. The language syntax is expressed in the data structures of the language. This property is known as homoiconicity, and is one of the features of Lisp that makes it uniquely powerful.

You can use the eval function to execute code that is provided as data:

;; Regular code
(+ 1 2)
=> 3

;; Code expressed as a list
'(+ 1 2)

;; Execute code using eval
(eval '(+ 1 2))
=> 3

The power of 'Code is Data' starts to become apparent when you realise that since you can use code to construct data, you can equivalently use code to construct code.

(defn make-code [operation arguments]
(cons operation arguments))

(make-code '+ [1 2 3 4])
=> '(+ 1 2 3 4)

(eval (make-code '* [1 2 3 4]))
=> 24

It is now clear why Lisp puts parentheses before the function name: expressions can be constructed as a single list, prepending the desired function to the list of arguments (often using cons). Code generation for arbitrary expressions becomes simple: just construct the code you want as a data structure!

SECURITY: Take care with eval

You should NEVER use eval on data from an untrusted source. It will be able to execute anything that you can in your environment - including helping itself with any coins and tokens controlled by your account. If you are unsure whether this is a risk or not, a good rule is that you should avoid using eval at all in any environment with economically valuable assets.

Functional Programming

Convex Lisp is designed to support functional programming. We can think of functional programming as a paradigm where:

  • Functions are first-class objects in the language
  • Programs are developed by composing pure functions and immutable data
  • Mutable data and side effects are generally avoided

Functional programming offers us many major advantages:

  • Code expressed using pure functions is easier to reason about and test, because you don't have to worry about the internal or external mutable state that might affect behaviour.
  • It is often much shorter and quicker to read/write than equivalent imperative code
  • Immutable data is a great fit for the CVM which is designed around immutable, cryptographically verified data structures.

Here's a simple example of functional programming, where we define a first-class function square and then pass it to another function to achieve our intended result:

;; Define a function that squares a number
(defn square [x] (* x x))

;; Apply the square function to each element of a vector
(map square [1 2 3 4])
=> [1 4 9 16]

We can get a bit more sophisticated, and use functions to create other functions:

;; Function to build a function combining a map and a reduce
(defn mapreducer [init reducer mapper]
(fn [vals]
(reduce reducer init (map mapper vals))))

;; Build a 'sum-of-squares' function using our 'mapreducer'
(def sum-of-squares (mapreducer 0 + square))

(sum-of-squares [1 10 100 1000])
=> 1010101

map and reduce are both very powerful tools for functional programming, and in many cases can replace the need to implement imperative loops. They also help to avoid the dreaded "off by one" errors!