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5 posts tagged with "Convex"

Convex Foundation

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Countdown to Protonet

· 5 min read
Mike Anderson
Hacker, Convex Foundation

The day is finally coming.

The groundbreaking Convex Protonet is going Live in December 2024. Here's what you need to know about the launch of the world's most powerful platform for decentralised economic systems.

The CAD3 Revolution

· 3 min read
Mike Anderson
Hacker, Convex Foundation

A quick note on CAD3 because I think it is important for everyone to understand how important this is - it's also probably the last significant piece we NEED to get right before Protonet goes live.

Reader upgrades

· 3 min read
Mike Anderson
Hacker, Convex Foundation

The Reader converts text into data. It's a key component in making Convex based apps work effectively in multiple ways:

  • Source Code like (transfer #101 1000000) is transformed into trees of code ready for execution on the CVM.
  • REST APIs can use Convex data in text form with the MIME type application/cvx
  • Arbitrary Data can be specified in .cvx files like [{:name "Bob" :age 42} {:name "Sarah" :age 37}]

In preparation for Protonet, we've been putting the final touches on the Reader. So what's new?


· One min read
Convex Foundation
Hacker, Convex Foundation

Welcome to the Convex Developer Documentation! The is the go-to resource for building with Convex.

We're thrilled to introduce our new developer documentation site. This platform is designed to be your comprehensive guide for mastering Convex, a powerful decentralised platform based on lattice technology.